Welcome to Junker Home

These pages are a collection of accomplishments and projects performed by our team over the years. These are the foundation of our abilities and capabilities that we can perform for customers today and beyond. Here at Junker Home, we specialize in complete home repair and maintenance services. We will tackle everything from routine maintenance to complete project management and everything in between. We even take care of those nagging “Honey Do Lists” that have been hanging around for a long time now..

Junker Home has years of experience in all phases of home maintenance and repair. Our technicians are skilled in all phases of construction and maintenance from the ground up to finishing and even furniture and design. We work in close harmony with either your sub-contractors or we can recommend or use our sub-contractors, whichever way suits your needs and desires. Our main goal is to work hand in hand to complete your projects efficiently and on time and budget and to give our customers the end product they desire. So come and take a look at the projects we have done and give us a chance to get involved in your needs.

Past and Current Projects

Current Projects

Here are a few examples of Custom Furniture pieces that we have produced over the years. Each is custom-built to customer specifications and needs.

Custom Electric Guitars

We are expanding our line of Custom Guitars with custom finishes and custom hardware. Every single build is manufactured to your specifications which include the hardware you spec.

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Custom Furniture

Here are a few examples of Custom Furniture pieces that we have produced over the years. Each is custom-built to customer specifications and needs.


We are expanding our line with Landscaping currently. These are several projects we have done in the last few years.

Front Entry

Contemporary Log Home

This is a Log Home that we converted to a more contemporary design with custom iron work, cabinetry and trim details.


Mediterranean Villa

Here are a few examples of Custom Furniture pieces that we have produced over the years. Each is custom-built to customer specifications and needs.

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Miscellaneous Items

This is a collection of several minor projects and tasks.. The images on this page are part of larger projects and display our abilities and expertise in many areas.
